If you are dissatisfied with an item purchased from our website you may return it within 48 hours for a refund, replacement or exchange provided that the conditions of our Refund & Exchange policy have been satisfied.
We will exchange or refund a product provided that:

  • There is valid proof of purchase, i.e. electronic invoice / receipt
  • It is within 3 months of the original purchase date
  • It is in its original packaging or condition

All refunds are processed strictly in accordance with the original sales tender type and only after confirmation that the funds were received in our bank account.

If you wish to return something that you purchased online and have met the above conditions for refund or exchange, you can send the selected item back to our web store together with your invoice, and your credit card will be refunded with the appropriate amount. Please note that the cost of couriering the product back to our web store shall be incurred by the purchaser. The address details are as follows:

For Attention :
Chef South Africa
17 Saxenburg Road,
Cape Town,
South Africa

If you wish to return something that you purchased online at www.chef.co.za because the item you received is either damaged or not what you ordered, please email [email protected] and request for the item(s) to be collected within 48 hours of receiving the goods. Chef Online will send a courier to collect the damaged/incorrect product, at our cost, and replace it with the correct product.